Latest news we're still open for orders with a Lockdown offer

Day 4. First of all, a huge thankyou to all the healthcare workers, supermarket staff, logistics operators and food suppliers (amongst many others) who are busting a gut to ensure the rest of us are OK. Hats off to all of you.

We are incredibly fortunate that all of our fruit has been harvested and is fermenting in the winery. Thanks also to the dedicated harvester, truck and gondola drivers around the country, (as well as winery staff) who are working to ensure the industry doesn't face collapse. 

Since Redmetal is a one man (and his wife) band, we will complete all of the processing in our own bubble and have no need to go off the property for some time. The plague of rabbits that we have suffered during the drought is beginning to look a little like a fresh food larder - if only they wouldn't jump around so much. Unfortunately they have already eaten many of our vege seedlings, so this could be payback.

We are also privileged that we are allowed to sell wine online for contactless delivery by courier. I'm sure many of our customers will be pleased with that outcome, and as part of that we will reduce our prices by 15-20% back to the special offer that ostensibly finished in mid March, and will maintain that pricing for as long as the lockdown remains in place. Click on this link if you would like to place an order 

So try to keep a sense of normality with a glass of wine at five o'clock, or perhaps something interesting to go with that recipe you have finally got the time to try. Look after your family and friends, support local businesses any way you can, and don't forget to wash your hands.


Quote of the week - "Your grandparents were called to fight in world wars. You are called to wash your hands and sit on the couch. Don't f*** this up."


Grant & Sue


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