Thirty-two days in lockdown and we have a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. We hope you have all remained safe, well and as sane as possible under the circumstances. A huge thank you to all of our customers for their support in the midst of these challenging times.
The hospitality industry has taken a king hit from this lockdown, so now is the time to give it some CPR. If you love going out for good food and wine, and you'd like to pay it forward to help ensure the survival of those great eateries that your tastebuds can't stop thinking about, our farsighted distributor Red+White Cellar has come up with a great way to help.
Go online to where they have their full range of excellent wines pre-packed in very creative ways or available by brand. Order your wine for contactless delivery and choose which restaurant on their list you would like a proportion of the cost to go to. Everyone wins, and hopefully we all live to fight another day. (Insider tip - they still have some stock of the Redmetal Albarino if you're suffering from withdrawal).
There is also a proliferation of websites and Facebook pages offering contactless pick-up or delivery for a multitude of restaurants and cafes. Find your favourites and please support them if you can - it's very apt that the song they suggest you think of when doing CPR is "Stayin' Alive"...
So thank you again and when the lockdown eases further, please go out to your favourite cafes, restaurants and local retailers to get them back up and running and ensure their staff have jobs. I'm sure we'll all be keen to eat somewhere other than home...
Quote of the week: "There has been unprecedented use of the word unprecedented..."
Kia kaha
Grant & Sue
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